If CTRL+ESC didn’t bring it back, then the program that displays the taskbar probably isn’t running. The article “ How to Manage Taskbar Space” includes a short video showing the settings you can change to make it behave the way you want, and/or the approach to making it “big enough” once again. The workaround? Press CTRL+ESC to access the taskbar. If your taskbar magically reappears, then it’s probably simply been resized too small, repositioned somewhere you didn’t expect, or perhaps beneath another application that is running full-screen on your computer.
If none of this resolves the issue, you may need to refresh or reset Windows. If that doesn’t work, check for malware and possibly corrupted system files. If that doesn’t work, use Task Manager to run “explorer.exe”. If that works, use Taskbar settings to reconfigure the taskbar so you can see it. Press CTRL+ESC to bring up the taskbar if it’s hiding or in an unexpected location.